piatok 2. novembra 2012

Kambizem pseudoglejová, kyslá

Location: Malé Karpaty Mts., Slovakia
Site: Limbach, Tri Kamenné kopce / Nad Šenkárkou
Elevation: 550 m a. s. l.
Author of the photographies: P. Pišút ©, 30.3.2011
Land use: commercial forest
Vegetation: European beech wood (Fagetum nudum)
Classification MKSP (2000): Kambizem pseudoglejová, kyslá
Classification WRB (2006): Endogleyic Cambisol, dystric
Parent rock: Weathering products of granitic rocks
Remarks: Cambic horizon; gleyic colour pattern in the subsoil; krotovina

Larger skelet clasts
Gleyic colour pattern

streda 31. októbra 2012

Kambizem modálna, Havešová

Location: Bukovské vrchy Mts., Slovakia
Site: Havešová, Nastaz range
Elevation: 597 m a. s. l.
Author of the photographies: P. Pišút ©, 11.10.2012
Land use: Nature Reserve
Vegetation: European beech Carpathians primeval forest
Classification MKSP (2000): Kambizem modálna
Classification WRB (2006): Cambisol
Parent rock: Weathering products of claystones and sandstones (flysch belt)
Note: Soil profile opened on the occassion of the pedological conference in Snina "Pedologické dni 2012".

Beech regrowth

Flysch claystone and sandstone skeletic bedrock

Beech primeval forest in the developmental stage of maturation

Ranker modálny, Sitno

Location: Štiavnické vrchy Mts., Slovakia
Elevation: 990 m a. s. l.
Author of the photographies: P. Pišút ©, 11.10.2012
Land use: Nature Reserve
Vegetation: mixed Carpathian forest
Classification MKSP (2000): Ranker modálny
Classification WRB (2006): Skeletic Leptosol
Parent rock: Andesite boulders

Luvizem kultizemná

Luvizem s kultizemným ornicovým Akp-horizontom do hĺbky 35 cm.

Luvizem kultizemná (1), Košariská

utorok 30. októbra 2012

Kambizem rendzinová (KMv)

Kambizem s alteračnými znakmi v Bv horizonte, podmienenými prevažne vylúhovaním karbonátov v časti pedonu pod A-horizontom a s karbonátovým C-horizontom.

Kambizem rendzinová (1), Turecká

utorok 16. októbra 2012

Kambizem rendzinová, Turecká

Cambic horizon, macrostructure

Location:  Veľká Fatra Mts., Slovakia
Elevation:  765 m a. s. l.
Author of the photographies: P. Pišút ©, 12.10.2012
Land use:  National Park, protective zone  
Vegetation: mixed mountain Carpathian forest (European beech, maple)
Classification MKSP (2000): Kambizem rendzinová
Classification WRB (2006): Cambisol, eutric
Parent rock: Weathering material derived from argillaceous lime/limestone (Triassic age)

streda 1. augusta 2012

Rendzina modálna, Súľovské skaly

Location: Súľovské vrchy Mts., Slovakia
Author of the photographies: P. Pišút ©, 30.4.2012
Land use: Nature reserve Súľovské skaly
Vegetation: mixed forest (European beech, Scots pine)
Classification MKSP (2000): Rendzina modálna
Classification WRB (2006): Rendzic Leptosol
Parent rock: Calcareous conglomerate (Paleogene age)

Paleogene conglomerate

Rendzina litozemná, Kláštorská roklina, Slovenský raj

Location: Slovenský raj Mts., Kláštorská roklina Gorge
Author of the photography: P.Pišút ©, 13.7.2012
Land use: Nature reserve (National park)
Vegetation: mixed forest (silver fir, European beech, Scots pine, spruce)
Classification MKSP (2000): Rendzina litozemná

Classification WRB (2006): Rendzic Leptosol
Parent material / rock: limestone

utorok 31. júla 2012

Luvizem kultizemná (1), Košariská

Location: Myjava hillands, Slovakia
Site:  Košariská
Author of the photography: P.Pišút © 30.7.2012
Land use: farming cropland
Classification MKSP (2000): Luvizem kultizemná
Classification WRB (2006):  Albic Luvisol
Remarks:  albic horizon; argic horizon
Argic horizon, transition into the C subsoil

Argic horizon, macrostructure